Scientific-methodical and coordination center on scientific problems
development of agroindustrial complex of Ukraine

The Academy is state scientific organization based on state ownership and uses the rights of self-government body that resides in collegial governance and its selectivity, self-determination of its structure and themes of research, solution of scientific, organizational and personnel issues, economic activities and implementation of international
scientific communication grounding on the laws of Ukraine.

The main objective of the Academy is scientific support of development of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine: 

  • holding of fundamental research on the basis of new knowledge of scientific products for innovative development,
  • the use of which will increase production volumes of competitive agricultural products, 
  • development of new and improvement of existing forms, 
  • methods and ways of holding scientific activity.

The supreme body of the Academy is the General Assembly. The Academy is governed by its Presidium between sessions of the General Assembly. Personnel of the Academy include 102 actual members (academicians), 106 corresponding members, 63 foreign and 29 honorary members.

The Academy has 258 establishments, enterprises or organizations, including 57 scientific institutions, directly subordinated to the Academy, embracing 9 national scientific centers, 30 institutes, 7 experimental stations, Pfalz-Fein "Askania Nova" Biosphere Reserve, National Agricultural Research library.

The network of the Academy includes 201 companies, institutions and organizations, including 36 research stations, 2 scientific research centers, 1 research field, 127 state research enterprises. 

About 25 thousand people work within the system of the Academy, almost 9,7 thousand work in scientific institutions, including 4,6 thousand scientists, 341 doctors and 1636 candidates of science.

There are 13 scientific objects within the Academy which have national status:

  • ampelographic collection and microorganisms’strains colleсtion valuable for winemaking industry (National Institute for Vine and Wine «Maga­rach»);
  • arboretum of Nikitsky Botanical Garden (Nikitsky Botanical Garden – National Scientific Center);
  • bank of plant genetic resources of Ukraine (Plant Production Institute nd.a. V. Ya. Yuriev of NAAS);
  • bank of microorganisms’ strains for veterinary medicine needs (Institute of Veterinary Medicine of NAAS);
  • collection of beneficial soil microorganisms for crop yields improvement (Institute of Agricultural Microbiology and Agricultural Production of NAAS;
  • bank of animal genetic resources (Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics of NAAS);
  • animal collection of Biosphere Reserve «Askania Nova» (Falts-Fein Biosphere Reserve «Askania Nova» of NAAS);
  • bank of mono-specific serum reagents for blood type of chickens (Institute of Animal Science of NAAS);
  • collection of cell cultures for veterinary medicine and biotechnology (National Scientific Center «Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine»);
  • collection of genetic resources of silkworm (National Scientific Center «Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine»);
  • the crimean collection of herbarium of Nikitsky Botanical Garden (Nikitsky Botanical Garden – National Sсientific Center);
  • mulberry gene pool (National Scientific Center «Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine»);
  • collection of agricultural publications issued in 19th century (National Scientific Agricultural Library of NAAS).

According to state order the Academy prepares scientific personnel of higher qualification of 36 scientific institutions through post-graduate studies within 58 specialties in 6 branches of science. The Center for Doctoral Training is opened in 19 scientific institutions and conducted in 13 of them. It prepares PhD students on 20 specialties.

The structure of the Academy consists of six departmentsagriculture, irrigation and mechanization department; plant growing department; veterinary medicine department; animal science department; agricultural economics and food department; scientific support and innovative development department.

Scientists of the Academy investigate formation principles of agricultural landscapes, ways of efficient use of natural resources within the framework of fundamental scientific researches; work out scientific basis of agrosystem productive capacity control; study plant and animal genome; elaborate methods to create new highly productive animal and plant genotypes with valuable economic charaсteristics for people; study formation principles and realization of production features of agricultural animals under the influence of genetic and paratypical factors; improve theoretical basis of breeding and biotechno­logy methods of reproduction, animal ontogenetic development; study the pecu-liarities of nutrition process and metabolism in highly productive animal genotypes; investigate evolutionary ecogeographic and epizootological circulation principles of animal infectious agents; improve scientific basis of agricultural engineering reliability growth; work out new technologies to attain food of high quality for healthy nation; elaborate scientific and methodological supply of mechanism for implementation of stable development of agricultural area and the basis for investment and innovative development of scientific agricultural area.

Applied studies of research-and-development institutions of the Academy are aimed at the development of: mechanisms of realization of the land reform and introduction of land market in Ukraine; new technologies for protection, recovery and increasing of soil fertility; eco-friendly technology for utilization of water resources; scientific technologies to produce organic vegetable products; resources-saving production technologies and deep reprocessing of crop products; improvement of current animal genotypes, resources-saving production technologies and processing of animal production; control methods of healthy animal products; highly effective veterinary drugs, diagnostic tools, prevention and treatment of diseases; technological processes and tools to use nanomaterials and nanomedicines for servicing, engineering maintenance and renovation of farm machinery items as well as equipment; regulatory and methodological supply of innovational agroindustrial branches development.